29 July 2018

New beginnings...

Five years ago I started this blog.
Four years ago I got carried away with this blog.
Today I'm rebooting this blog.

I started blogging because I needed an outlet.  I often turned to writing when I was younger in order to get everything in my head, out of my head.  As an adult, blogging gave me an outlet to share some of my musings... most of them craft related... some of them personal.  Four years ago I found myself pushing way too hard to put out blog posts, like I HAD to do something daily in order for it to mean anything.  I failed.  Failure is a tricky little demon.  It can cause you to either push through, or give up.  At that point in time I chose to give up.  Moving forward, I found myself longing to post again... to share my crafty musings (and shenanigans), and to put out into the world things that were uplifting and positive.  I feel like I have so much to share, and that maybe something I share along the way will help someone, or uplift them, or make them smile.  That, I feel, is one of the reasons I was put on this earth... to help, to uplift, and to laugh!

So... I'm returning to the blog-o-verse.  I'm not entirely sure where this journey will take us, but I do hope that those of you joining me find yourselves entertained by my malarkey!

You will notice that all prior content has been removed.  That is because I really didn't want to have to look back on me forcing myself to write.  I saved what I wanted and deleted it all... a fresh start... a blank slate, as it were.

You can expect a myriad of subjects to come across my blog.  From my personal crafting to the crafty shenanigans I share with my nieces and nephews. 

My nieces and nephews... my minions!

I'll share a bit about my obsession with all things antique and vintage.  

Not only do I like antique, but I like creepy too!

I will also share my own personal experiences, as well as some poetry/song lyrics that seem to seep from my brain in the middle of the night.  

Why oh why do the little bubbles of ideas have to invade while I'm sleeping?!

There will be some content about my own struggles with my health, my weight, and learning to love who I am through and through.  On occasion I'll talk about my faith and how I came to my beliefs, and how those beliefs shape how I view the world and the choices I make.  So, I'll pretty much just write about whatever the (beep) I want to! 

Jac of all trades, master of none.  More than ever, that suits where I am right now.  I'm always learning, growing, trying new things, and searching for my next great happiness!  And sometimes, my next great sadness, as that too is something that shapes and molds me.  I embrace all the emotions, but strive for the happiness, for the joy, and for the light!

If at any time you are offended, or feel the need to argue, just know that I am always open for a kind, factual, informative, and respectful debate.  If ever things get out of hand or ugly, know that I hold the keys to my blog kingdom and can delete comments and block anyone who is unkind.  Please know that I will never block someone just for disagreeing with me, or who engages in respectful banter, or who is willing to agree to disagree with me.  However, if you get mean, disrespectful, or try to bully, I will show you the door!

Now that we have that settled... I do hope you'll stick around and get to know me, and I look forward to getting to know you.  So, please, comment, share, email, whatever it is you feel led to do, and let's see if we can't spread a little light into the world!

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