01 September 2018

What's up?

I'm popping in with a short post to chat about where I am, what I'm doing, and where my head is at.

I try to spend at least an hour a day writing.  However, we currently have my sister and two of her three daughters living with us (temporarily).  This makes sitting down to write on the daily a bit difficult.  I'm finding that I only have the time on the weekends to sit down for a stretch and get some thoughts down on the "paper."

I do have several posts in the works, and am hoping to start getting at least two out per month... Then when all the girls are in their own house, and we are in ours, I'd like to shoot for once a week.  
Over the next couple of months, you may see some poems or short stories that I already have written and ready to go... that is if I can get up the courage to post them!  

Here is a little peak at what I've been working on in my spare time....

Aggregate, pattern by JimiKnits

I appreciate everyone who is here, reading, and following my journey!  I shall be back with more as soon as I possibly can!

Until then, here is a bit of something to think about... A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows who you are... How do you want to be thought of by those who know you?